World of Hyatt

체이스에서 발급하는 World of Hyatt 개인 호텔 카드는 고급 하야트 호텔 숙박을 원하는 분들께 추천한다.
Additional Information
Signup Bonus | 50,000 (25,000 after $3,000 in the first 3 months and 25,000 after spending another $3,000 in the 2nd 3 months) |
Annual Fee | $95 |
Rewards Rate | 4X points on Hyatt, 2X points in Restaurants, Airlines, Transit Fitness memberships, 1X everything else |
Status Upgrade | Upgrade towards 5 qualifying nights each year, 2 additional qualifying nights on every $5,000 spend. |
Bonus | 숙박권 1매 (카테고리 1-4 등급 호텔), 추가 숙박권 1매 (연 $15,000 사용시) |
1 Point Value | 2 cents ~ 3 cents |